Release Hotstar-Rain Indian movies/tv shows/sports
Hi @yocoldrain. Thank you for your good work. Live streams do not show for me as well. They are there in the hotstar app, but they don't show up in the plugin. Everything was fine till a couple of weeks back. I am using an indian proxy. I am able to see live events using the same proxy on my PC, but that content doesn't appear in the plugin.

Another interesting thing is that it looks like my plugin is 'stuck in time' i.e., even for the non-live content, it shows me some old content and not the latest one from the website. I have tried uninstalling, deleting cache, and reinstalling the plugin, but that didn't resolve the issue.

Could you kindly look into this? Thanks.

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RE: [Release] Hotstar-Rain Indian movies/tv shows/sports - by agemineye - 2015-12-04, 14:12
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