Release Amber now updated to support Kodi 14.0\Helix

Not sure if this has already been answered or not, but when I play a movie/stream and I press back the movie/stream will then run in the background (minimised). This is good but when I choose another movie/stream it still plays it in the background, it doesn't bring it up fullscreen. I have to manually go to navigation panel and select Player and launch it

Is there a setting which can change this behaviour? I want it to come up fullscreen again if i choose a different movie/stream. In other skins this happens

thanks for your help

**** Nevermind I found this feature in Settings > TV > Playback > Start Playback Minimised". That was turned on for me. Just had to look around *facepalm

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RE: Amber now updated to support Kodi 14.0\Helix - by frozte - 2015-12-08, 01:37
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Amber now updated to support Kodi 14.0\Helix4