Win HOW TO - Set up madVR for Kodi DSPlayer & External Players
Did you try this:

if (srcWidth > 1920) "2160p"
else if (srcWidth <= 1920) and (srcHeight > 1080) "2160p"

else if (3D) and ((srcWidth > 1280) and (srcWidth <= 1920)) "1080p 3D"
else if (3D) and ((srcWidth <= 1280) and (srcHeight > 720) and (srcHeight <= 1080)) "1080p 3D"

else if (not 3D) and ((srcWidth > 1280) and (srcWidth <= 1920)) "1080p"
else if (not 3D) and ((srcWidth <= 1280) and (srcHeight > 720) and (srcHeight <= 1080)) "1080p"

else if (srcWidth > 1280) and (srcWidth <= 1920) "1080p"
else if (srcWidth <= 1280) and ((srcHeight > 720) and (srcHeight <= 1080)) "1080p"

else if (srcWidth > 960) and (srcWidth <= 1280) "720p"
else if (srcWidth <= 960) and ((srcHeight > 540) and (srcHeight <= 720)) "720p"

else if (srcWidth <= 960) and (srcHeight <= 540) "SD"

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RE: HOW TO - Setup madVR for Kodi DSPlayer & External Players - by Warner306 - 2016-02-15, 00:26
no image doubling tap - by oxynaz - 2016-12-13, 13:44
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HOW TO - Set up madVR for Kodi DSPlayer & External Players5