Call to Arms: Combatting Trademark Infringement
We've been pretty clear, I thought, on our Internet Archive stance. IA has been a long time well respected organization providing content that is no longer protected under copyright or has otherwise been released freely to the public. If at some point IA gets in trouble for hosting the content they do, we'll likely remove them as a content source, but as far as we're aware they are a perfectly legal and legitimate content source.

Beyond that, we genuinely don't care about Nintendo's position on emulators. We believe users should be able to play content however they want. It's the ethos of Kodi since it was called XBMP. If users want to buy cartridges and play them off a retrode, we think that would be just as great.

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RE: Call to Arms: Combatting Trademark Infringement - by natethomas - 2016-02-15, 03:31
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