Call to Arms: Combatting Trademark Infringement
On a related note -

this was a comment in an article about the recent news story, that a Samsung support clerk on twitter had a 15 tweets conversation with a twitterbot because the bot initially asked him how long the battery life on a Galaxy S 4 was.

Quote:I only can talk about the Samsung Social Media Support here in Austria, and no - we dont use a normal Twitter overlay - but as someone else in here already has suggested, an enterprise solution - where we cant see that persons profile - if we dont click through in an effort to see it.

We usually respond to every twitter posting with the utmost joy, because technical support through a medium that allows you to type two sentences at the most is incredibly stimulating for your creativity.

Try to explain to a customer how to do regular troubleshooting and do that in 3 lines of text.

You need to be creative.
Source: (comments section)

If you are asking where this behavior comes from and who exactly fosters it - look no further. Also understand, that for PR a successful interaction with a customer is not only one where you solve their problem - but also one, that gives them the impression that you care. Thats why most of them dont have any experience of getting any reaction that isnt overly understanding - no matter what they ask. There usually always is a paid customer rep that is willing to hold their hand.

Also notice - that they dont get their support in stores or from company portals anymore - they get it from asking "on social media". Customer reps have search queries running that look out for their brand being mentioned and they react. Thats "support on the internet" for the facebook generation. ("Which app should I...")

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RE: Call to Arms: Combatting Trademark Infringement - by harlekin - 2016-02-17, 11:47
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