Call to Arms: Combatting Trademark Infringement
Then for the first time - I have my reason, for why Kodi as a project is behaving in this way. Could be "Boxee all over again" - could be not. Could be the need of a certain vision for one individual.

Also - I might be uninformed as to what goes on internally in the inner circle or between Kodi and Amazon - but at least I can show some common sense - as part of my arguments.

I acknowledge that you might not be able to speak openly - but at the same time, you also dont cry "piracy" without being able to go into any details. Its against good taste.

In rhetorics this is called a - straw man argument approach.


(After reading your edit Wink )

Our motives arent so different - btw, and should you ever succeed in getting Kodi onto the Amazon Store again (*cough*enable third party addons*cough*) - i'd be very happy as well.

And - I'd have to see it, to believe it.

Also, I care about "form". Very much so. So bowing to as I have called it "the hand that slapped you in your face" isnt something I'd care you see doing. Now if that means easier access to Kodi ("what it stands for") for people in the long run - it might have been worth it.

But from my current point of view - what has Amazon done for "the cause"? They have a two year window of having the cheapest Kodi Box on the market. When they cut promotional budgets - they are just another vendor as far as Kodi should be (?) concerned.

Are we really at the point were we are looking for strategic partnerships to get "an open piece of software" onto a popular (but closed down) platform? (Hackers growing old...)

I am sure the popularity spike didnt go by unnoticed by them as well.

Also if Kodi - as a result, gets "less open" by design... But one step at the time.. Smile

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RE: Call to Arms: Combatting Trademark Infringement - by harlekin - 2016-02-19, 22:37
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