Win HOW TO - Set up madVR for Kodi DSPlayer & External Players
(2016-02-27, 23:43)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2016-02-08, 05:50)Warner306 Wrote: Option 1:

When sending video via HDMI to a TV, the most straightforward color space is set as follows:

(madVR) PC levels (0-255) -> (GPU) Limited Range RGB 16-235 -> (TV) Output as RGB 16-235

madVR expands the source 16-235 signal to full range RGB leaving the conversion back to 16-235 to the graphics card. Expanding the source prevents the GPU from clipping the image during conversion to 16-235.

Option 2:

If your PC is a dedicated HTPC, an alternative approach is possible:

(madVR) TV levels (16-235) -> (Kodi) Use limited color range (16-235) -> (GPU) Full Range RGB 0-255 -> (TV) Output as RGB 16-235

In this configuration, the signal remains 16-235 until it reaches the TV avoiding any conversion by the GPU. When set to full range, the GPU will allow passthrough without clipping the levels output by madVR. This is the most pure path, which preserves the original levels and minimizes added dithering. However, other computer applications will appear over-saturated as a result unless they are also configured to use 16-235 levels. Kodi must be configured under System -> Video output to use a limited color range to match madVR. While considered passthrough, it is possible from some GPUs to alter the image in unwanted ways. If using this method, it is best to test the black and white clipping with these MP4 test patterns before and after adjustment.

Option 3:

A final option involves setting all sources to full range:

(madVR) PC levels (0-255) -> (GPU) Full Range RGB 0-255 -> (TV) Output as RGB 0-255

madVR expands the source to 0-255 and displays it full range on your television. The TV's HDMI black level must be set to show full RGB (Normal vs. Low). The result can vary depending on how well your TV displays whiter-than-white and blacker-than-black values. Use of these MP4 test patterns for black and white clipping can be used to confirm a correct grayscale is maintained. This may be the optimal setting for TVs with a full range setting and reduces the chance of added banding when the GPU must convert to a limited range.

Hi Warner, I have to say that your guide is incredible and very well done! Thanks!

One question about RGB management: how LAV Video Filters "RGB Output levels" option does impact on the three options you reported?

In addition to that I don't understand why, in option 2, Kodi intervenes after madVR and not before, and why Kodi is not reported in the other two options.

Thanks a lot for any clarification.

LAV RGB settings don't do anything. It says that in the guide before that section.

Kodi outputs at 0-255, by default. Only Option #2 requires 16-235, where Kodi would have to be adjusted. Otherwise, you don't have to do anything to Kodi.

Settings pertaining to Kodi only impact the Kodi menus and Kodi DVDPlayer. Keep that in mind.

Edit: I adjusted both of those points in the guide for clarification.

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RE: HOW TO - Set up madVR for Kodi DSPlayer & External Players - by Warner306 - 2016-02-28, 00:01
no image doubling tap - by oxynaz - 2016-12-13, 13:44
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