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Win [Release] Viaplay (plugin) video addon - Viaplay - Discontinued
(2016-04-16, 12:37)boneheadfraggle Wrote:
(2016-03-16, 21:14)MDDSD Wrote: I'm currently working on correcting some issues regarding playback, this since Viaplay has made some changes.
Also the addon will be a part of the new repository which will house all my addons (so far it's two of them)...
I estimate to have this fixed in a about a week.

Anything you wanna share to see if we can help solving the remaing issues?
I've tried the OnlineVideos plugin at Mediaportal for a while and it works flawless with viaplay. Maybe we could get some inspiration from that?

Thanks for the links to the Mediaportal plugin, very interesting Smile
A solution like that (dependent on DirectShow filters) would limit the addon to be run on only Windows...

I'm currently having some issues with the playback of the selected episode when directing to the viaplay website...
The webpage for the specific episode has changed and is no longer displaying a start playback button for the specific episode...
This would require running some javascript and using a program to host a webbrower (which would also limit the addon to Windows).

To prove my point, see the following url which is a url that the addon uses to get to the specific epsiode:

Any suggestions are welcome Smile

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RE: [Release] Viaplay (plugin) video addon - Viaplay (Sweden,Denmark,Norway,Finland) - by MDDSD - 2016-04-16, 12:58
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[Release] Viaplay (plugin) video addon - Viaplay - Discontinued9