AT4 kodi error provisioning profile in ios app signer
(2016-08-13, 22:14)lazer1 Wrote: Hi again

I try to add app groups and the profile name shows in the app signer finally I made the ipa file but at the end when I try to install the app this msg appeared:

a valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found ?!?!!!

Okay, try this...

Go into the Xcode preferences and remove your developer account(s)

Open Keychain and delete anything that says iPhone Developer

Open Finder and delete everything in this folder ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles

Follow the app signer instructions from the beginning

Xcode will only give you the option to revoke your signing certificate though since you don't have a backup (this is okay)

Also, in the Xcode project make sure the correct team is selected
Install Kodi on iOS without a jailbreak: iOS App Signer — donations are gratefully accepted

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RE: AT4 kodi error provisioning profile in ios app signer - by DanTheMan827 - 2016-08-15, 20:05
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