Release igConq - A Conq mod for Krypton
The option to delete a menu item (along with the options to change the label or to disable) have been moved to the context menu - make sure the menu item is focused on the list on the left (which is to say, don't focus on any of the options on the right) and press 'c' or whichever button you have mapped to the context menu.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by BobCratchett - 2016-08-26, 14:01
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2016-11-01, 21:37
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2016-11-29, 03:06
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2016-11-30, 03:26
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2016-11-30, 19:31
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by meccs - 2016-12-09, 19:49
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2016-12-10, 00:26
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2016-12-11, 16:55
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2017-01-08, 14:08
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igConq - A Conq mod for Krypton3