PineApple.Tv Skin { Apple tvOS 13 Based Skin }
Hi emre.ay,

your work looks great so far!!!
Have here some questions/Design requests Wink

1. Original Font:
I think you use some different Font. Maybe you can use the original Font or something that looks like it?
And here one more thing, the title over the Top Shelf must be much bigger than the other Text.
tvOS Human Interface Guidelines / Visual Design / Typography

2. Shadows for all kind of content:
In the original tvOS Theme there are also shadows for Movies, TV Shows and other media types.
Would it also make for Adoons and Co.
Like here...

3. Colors of the Darkmode:
It looks to me that the colors of your darkmode are to bright. You can see it for example at the background and at the banner behind the favorites in Home Screen.
Your skin...
The original...

4. Background for weather:
Maybe you can choose a bit natural color for the weather shelf. Never see a orange sky behind the clouds or the sun Wink
Current Solution...

5. Symbols on Buttons:
For me some Symbols on your buttons looks little bit to big.
For example at the Picture in the Link, the play-button is perfect the symbols on the next three buttons are to big and also not similar to the first button.
To big Symbols...

6. Loading-Circle:
Is the color of the Loading-Circle lite in the original theme? For me it is to dark and the difference between the circle and the background is to small.
Maybe you can choose the color of the Animation from Grey/Black to White/Black?!
The Loading-Animation

7. SkinShortcuts-Addon:
Integration of the Addon SkinShortcuts for more and better look and feel

8. Viewtypes for each Content-Type:
For which Content-Types are actually Viewtypes included?
We need some Viewtypes for Poster-View (Movies, TV-Shows and Seasons ), Square-View (Addons and more), Wide-View (Episodes, Pictures) and maybe a List-View (Musik, Filemanager and more)

Some examples:
Poster-View (Movies)
Poster-View (Details and more Movies)
Poster-View (Details and Chapters)
Poster-View (TV Shows with Seasons)

Square-View (Music)
List-View (Musik)
List-View (Musik-Collections)
Player-View (Musik)

Square-View (Photo-Collections)
Square-View (Photos)
List-View (Pictures & more)

(Maybe like this only with square pattern for Addons)
Install Addons from Repos -1-
Install Addons from Repos -2-

Hope I can help you to make your Skin better and better Big Grin
Maybe you can push some new screenshots, that would make it easier to help with new necessary design requests...

Messages In This Thread
RE: (WIP) {AppleTv4 Based Skin} - by iRubin - 2016-08-31, 10:04
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PineApple.Tv Skin { Apple tvOS 13 Based Skin }2