Win Can 24fps be played back smoothly @ 60Hz Refresh Rate?
(2016-10-05, 01:14)brazen1 Wrote: Because the KODI GUI is still running in Windows Desktop mode. If you change it, you will introduce problems such as lag just as you would using Windows. Keep everything native and let your GPU and Panel dictate proper refresh rates and resolutions fed from well written software code. KODI and PDVD are coded with match refresh rate functions for a reason. Use them. They are definitely your friend especially when it comes to the highest quality rendering free of any unmatched frames that lead to stutter so many complain of.

Properly understood. Thanks!

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RE: Can 24fps be played back smoothly @ 60Hz Refresh Rate? - by luci5r - 2016-10-05, 20:32
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Can 24fps be played back smoothly @ 60Hz Refresh Rate?0