Customisable home submenus
Shame this great new feature has received such little response, especially as so many people have asked for the ability to customise music and video main menus. Then again it is rather hidden away under Skins Support.

But just found time to test it out myself....Blush
On music menu of course.Angel

In Confluence the first 6 items from the library node now appear beneath the home menu item - pick your favorite six by ordering those in the library menu in the node editor. Clicking on music on home screen still brings up the full library node

It seems that you need to restart Kodi to see the effect of any changes made by the node editor on the home submenu, while those changes show immediately on the full library node. That had me confused for a bit how to change the submenu.

It works and I like it, thanks Hitcher Smile

Messages In This Thread
Customisable home submenus - by Hitcher - 2016-08-29, 12:57
RE: Customisable home submenus - by DaveBlake - 2016-10-09, 12:01
RE: Customisable home submenus - by Hitcher - 2016-10-09, 12:24
RE: Customisable home submenus - by un1versal - 2016-10-22, 16:19
RE: Customisable home submenus - by Hitcher - 2016-10-22, 18:36
RE: Customisable home submenus - by un1versal - 2016-10-23, 12:07
RE: Customisable home submenus - by Hitcher - 2016-10-23, 12:15
RE: Customisable home submenus - by un1versal - 2016-10-24, 17:39
RE: Customisable home submenus - by venik212 - 2016-11-30, 20:34
RE: Customisable home submenus - by xantari79 - 2017-02-25, 21:50
RE: Customisable home submenus - by Hitcher - 2017-02-14, 08:36
RE: Customisable home submenus - by Hitcher - 2017-02-14, 16:21
RE: Customisable home submenus - by iaminsane - 2017-04-06, 09:25
RE: Customisable home submenus - by Hitcher - 2017-07-09, 11:43
RE: Customisable home submenus - by Hitcher - 2017-10-17, 07:33
RE: Customisable home submenus - by ligam33 - 2018-02-09, 23:23
RE: Customisable home submenus - by Quihico - 2018-02-09, 23:32
RE: Customisable home submenus - by ligam33 - 2018-02-10, 21:55
RE: Customisable home submenus - by Quihico - 2018-02-10, 22:32
RE: Customisable home submenus - by ligam33 - 2018-02-10, 23:35
RE: Customisable home submenus - by bob007 - 2020-04-19, 14:46
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