Alpha PseudoTV Live - SetTop Box Experience v.0.8.x
Hello, I'm having an issue with PseudoTV where certain channels have shows that fill the entire guide for that channel. I had this problem in the past and you implemented the Search Type "Extended Info" over "Global Search" to get the proper runtimes for episodes (but with a much longer channel build time, which I was okay with to resolve the issue). This worked great for a long time, but seems to have cropped up again even with Extended Info selected. At first it was only happening on my Raspberry Pi builds but is now happening in Windows Intel Core as well. As before, if I select one of the affected channels, it plays the last two seconds of the show and then immediately skips right to another show on that channel. I can tell immediately that the problem is going to happen as the channels initially build very quickly. I've posted a debug log (hopefully I did it right) here: Thank you in advance for the help with this problem!

Messages In This Thread
found bug - by co5mo - 2016-10-09, 13:19
RE: PseudoTV Live - Set-Top box solution - by Raddp - 2016-12-10, 20:35
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PseudoTV Live - SetTop Box Experience v.0.8.x4