Release igConq - A Conq mod for Krypton

Just to repeat so it doesn't get lost.

There shouldn't be any issue adding this skin to kodi repo as Conq is no longer maintained by hitcher and if your's is different enough with different name it's not really a mod any more. Feel free to ping @ronie on this subject.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2016-11-01, 21:37
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2016-11-29, 03:06
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2016-11-30, 03:26
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2016-11-30, 19:31
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by meccs - 2016-12-09, 19:49
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2016-12-10, 00:26
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2016-12-11, 16:55
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Martijn - 2016-12-11, 21:53
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2017-01-08, 14:08
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igConq - A Conq mod for Krypton3