Release myth2kodi -- generate Kodi friendly file-names from MythTV recordings.

The myth2kodi script automates the mapping of MythTV recordings to a Kodi library.

myth2kodi is a derivative of mythicalLibrarian.

Basic functionality when processing a recording:
  • Runs as a MythTV user job.
  • Can also be run at command prompt.
  • Generates file names that Kodi can easily process into your library.
  • MythTV recording files are either moved or linked based on user settings.
  • Creates comskip and NFO files where appropriate.
  • Sends Notifications and library update requests to Kodi.
  • Sends desktop notifications (Gnome).
  • Generates an RSS feed that can be accessed by Kodi.

Ultra brief usage:
At the command-line:
myth2kodi "Input File" "show name" "episode name"

As a MythTV user job:
/full/path/to/myth2kodi "%DIR%/%FILE%"

Additional functionality via command-line flags:

--scan: Process all the recordings in a directory.
--recording-info: Retrieves information on a recording from your MythTV-DB and prints it to stdout.
--log: Extracts just those parts of the myth2kodi log files relevant to the processing of a specified recording and displays them in a pager.
--delete: Deletes a specified recording and its associated database entry.
--rerecord: Same as --delete, but, also requests mythbackend to rerecord.
--disconnect: Disconnects a specified recording from MythTV, deleting the MythTV-DB entry.
--series-info: Updates our local database tables for a specified series.
--comskip: Regenerates the comskip file for recordings that have already been processed.
--diagnostics: Tests the functionality of myth2kodi, reports the status.
--maintenance: Clean-up files and directories created by myth2kodi.

More information can be found in the doc/ directory of the myth2kodi repository, or, once it's installed, by running:
myth2kodi --help

Code repository is here:

Tar-ball download of the latest release is here:

If you are already familiar with mythicalLibrarian, then, you may find this minimalist summary of the differences useful:

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myth2kodi -- generate Kodi friendly file-names from MythTV recordings. - by stuartk - 2016-12-23, 10:51
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