Release Pandoki - Pandora Internet Radio (Update 2nd Sept 2016: v0.9.3)
Just wanted to chime in and say thanks fir this add-on!
One question, is there a way to get it to display fanart for an artist that is not in my local music library? I do get the fanart background as long as I have some for the artist in my local music library but I get a black background if not. It is clearly able to pull the album cover art even if nothing exists locally. It would be a great addition if it could do the same for fanart background.

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RE: Pandoki - Pandora Internet Radio (Update 2nd Sept 2016: v0.9.3) - by wags1 - 2016-12-28, 17:05
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Pandoki - Pandora Internet Radio (Update 2nd Sept 2016: v0.9.3)8