v18 LibreELEC Testbuilds for x86_64 (Kodi 18.0)
(2017-01-04, 21:27)Milhouse Wrote:
(2017-01-04, 20:54)Goga777 Wrote: why do you think so ?

according http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverRes...2992/en-us
my GT610 should work with 375.26

Yes, "should", but it doesn't (at least, not without further tweaking).

There are two drivers in LibreELEC, the 375 driver for modern nvidia GPUs and the 340 driver for "legacy" nvidia hardware. Your card is one of those that straddles the divide between modern and legacy, and may work with both drivers (depending on hardware configuration - PCI-E, PCI, AGP etc.) . Not entirely sure why your particular card is not working with the 375 driver, it could be because it's PCI based (which tips it further to the legacy side). You could try the kernel command line tweaks I popsted, or try the legacy driver which may be more compatible with PCI-based gear.

thank you for your advice
I tried all solutions which you described, but unfortunately nothing helped - may be together with those advice need to modify something in bios, other configs. I don't know...

I remember that 2 years ago I have the same issue and only with legacy driver 304 version I could start X. Is there any possibility to use 304 in your build ?
Nvidia Shield
kodi 18.1 RC1

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RE: LibreELEC Testbuilds for x86_64 (Kodi 18.0) - by Goga777 - 2017-01-04, 22:40
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