Beta Advanced Emulator Launcher - Multi-emulator frontend for Kodi
(2017-01-30, 15:48)KODser Wrote: I guess there is a bug in AEL then. on that example it shoud l say Fav_unknown and not fav_ok....

OK, I will check the current implementation ASAP.

(2017-01-30, 15:48)KODser Wrote: About the Fav_unknown on Favourites/Collections in my opinion, it's not needed. if it's not" ok" or "broken" or "unlinked", it doesn't show anything(unchecked). With checking you mean the addon checking the status, right?

In the current implementation, when the Favourite ROM is created the status will be OK. However, if you want to change the status you have to go to context menu and check the favourite ROMs. For more information, Favourite ROM documentation is completed on the AEL wiki.

(2017-01-30, 15:48)KODser Wrote: What I would add is a new flag for roms on standard lauchers that were added to AEL favorites, like FAV_added.. like the labels work right now- when you add a ROM on a standard launcher to favorites, it shows [FAV] on the title. The FAV_added flag is the [FAV]

You are right! I forgot to include an extra flag to tell when a ROM in a standard launcher is in Favourites or not! Will add it ASAP.

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Advanced Emulator Launcher - Multi-emulator frontend for Kodi12