Release myth2kodi -- generate Kodi friendly file-names from MythTV recordings.
@mikewiz38 Ok, after poking around a bit I think there is
a difference in the way your bash/agrep is processing the
options that myth2kodi is using when calling agrep...
If I'm right then I'll still need a bit more info from you
to find a good fix for this. So, could you also provide the
output for the following commands:

Bash version info:
/usr/bin/env bash --version

Then, in the same terminal, open a fresh bash interpreter:
/usr/bin/env bash

And in that run:
touch /tmp/test
agrep -ikByn ShowName /tmp/test
agrep -iBynk ShowName /tmp/test
agrep -i -B -y -n -k ShowName /tmp/test

What I'm expecting is that the first agrep will give an
error similar to the one in the log you posted earlier, just
with 'ShowName' in the place of 'mister rogers', and
hopefully either the second or third variants will produce
no output.

Then you can clean-up and close the bash interpreter you
opened above with:
rm /tmp/test

Messages In This Thread
RE: myth2kodi -- generate Kodi friendly file-names from MythTV recordings. - by stuartk - 2017-02-09, 07:00
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