Release myth2kodi -- generate Kodi friendly file-names from MythTV recordings.
(2017-02-09, 04:04)stuartk Wrote: @mikewiz38 Your issue is different from jctennis. So far I can't
reproduce the error message you are getting. The only times I've
had a similar failure for the "mister rogers" part of diagnostics
is when either my internet connection was down or TheTVDB was
down... As a first next step could you enable debug level logging,
that is, in myth2kodi.conf, set:


then rerun myth2kodi --diagnostics and post the relevant section
of the log again?

Also, some version info might be helpful. So, what OS are you
running? And could you post the output of:

agrep --version


mktemp --version

Thanks for the response and assistance!!! I know you have a follow-up, but I figured I would give you as much information as I can.

I set the loglevel to 3 and reran the diagnostics. I placed the entire output of it to pastebin and can be found here:

I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 amd64. Here's the output of the commands you requested...

# agrep --version
agrep: illegal option  --
usage: agrep [-@#abcdehiklnoprstvwxyBDGIMSV] [-f patternfile] [-H dir] pattern [files]

summary of frequently used options:
(For a more detailed listing see 'man agrep'.)
-#: find matches with at most # errors
-c: output the number of matched records
-d: define record delimiter
-h: do not output file names
-i: case-insensitive search, e.g., 'a' = 'A'
-l: output the names of files that contain a match
-n: output record prefixed by record number
-v: output those records that have no matches
-w: pattern has to match as a word, e.g., 'win' will not match 'wind'
-B: best match mode. find the closest matches to the pattern
-G: output the files that contain a match
-H 'dir': the cast-dictionary is located in directory 'dir'

# dpkg -l | grep -i agrep
ii  agrep                                4.17-9                                             amd64        text search tool with support for approximate patterns

mktemp --version
mktemp (GNU coreutils) 8.25
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RE: myth2kodi -- generate Kodi friendly file-names from MythTV recordings. - by User 255479 - 2017-02-09, 15:38
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