DTS/AC3 Music tracks playback
First thing you could do is enable debug logging play something and look at the resulting log_file (wiki) this will then tell you want sample rates are supported by the FireTV and what we send the audio as. If it's being sent as 48khz then FireOS is at fault.

For DTS the workaround would be to disable DTS support, then make sure Number if Channels is set to 2, and then enable AC3 transcoding. This will nean your DTS files produce AC3 however during the transcode process we will resample to 48khz.

Messages In This Thread
DTS/AC3 Music tracks playback - by antirisk - 2017-02-12, 05:44
RE: DTS/AC3 Music tracks playback - by jjd-uk - 2017-02-12, 12:22
RE: DTS/AC3 Music tracks playback - by jjd-uk - 2017-02-12, 20:45
RE: DTS/AC3 Music tracks playback - by jjd-uk - 2017-02-12, 22:10
RE: DTS/AC3 Music tracks playback - by jjd-uk - 2017-02-12, 22:38
RE: DTS/AC3 Music tracks playback - by jjd-uk - 2017-02-17, 10:27
RE: DTS/AC3 Music tracks playback - by Soli - 2017-02-18, 06:37
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