Release myth2kodi -- generate Kodi friendly file-names from MythTV recordings.
(2017-02-17, 21:11)mikewiz38 Wrote: One last quick question. Is there a way to append something at the end of the filename? Such as something like

Caillou S03E09 (New Places and New Things) - MYTHTV.ts

It would be nice to tack the "- MYTHTV" part on so that I know it's from myth. I'm sure I can hack my way through the source to figure it out but I don't want to break anything.

No, this wasn't supported. Though it's a fairly straight-forward
change, so I've now added support for it via a new user setting
variable called 'SHOW_FILE_NAME_APPEND'.

I haven't made another release yet as I prefer to have new
features around for at least a week or two before I inflict
them on innocent by-standers. Also, see the comments
near the bottom of this post.

So, if you'd like to give it a go you can just grab the latest
myth2kodi file directly from the repo. Then adding:
to your myth2kodi.conf file will result in the file-name from
your post.

If you've already processed recordings, I'd suggest that you run:
myth2kodi --undo
then scan your library again once you've set SHOW_FILE_NAME_APPEND.

That being said, just switching to this, without the undo, should
be ok. The only potential problem I'm aware of is that the current,
limited, protection against processing a recording multiple times
and ending up with multiple copies in your Kodi library is based on
file name. However, if you don't call myth2kodi, either directly or
via --scan, against already processed recordings then this isn't an
issue. Also, if you're using MOVE mode with SYMLINKing Enabled,
then --scan already has some extra protection against reprocessing.

Increasing the protection against unintentional reprocessing is in
my list of tasks, and now that I've added this new feature I'll
address that before I make the next release (probably 1-3 weeks
from now).

Messages In This Thread
RE: myth2kodi -- generate Kodi friendly file-names from MythTV recordings. - by stuartk - 2017-02-18, 11:17
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