Beta Advanced Emulator Launcher - Multi-emulator frontend for Kodi
Well, still trying to use this launcher.

Some things I found.

ie. setting 32x with fusion.

Rom collection browser, launch parameters %rom%. Works fine.

AEL, launch parameters %rom%, Emulator launch with a white screen, doesnt work.

What Im doing wrong? I thought RCB was difficult to config, but Im getting a lot more problems trying to config AELSad

Another thing, after scanning 32x roms, there are like 10 entries to the list, with empty title, just no title at all (this could be solved selecting "using rom name instead of the scrapped one" Can we have an option to make AEL show rom name when doesnt find the rom name in the scrapper? If we dont have that, there is no way to avoid empty titles using the scrapper rom names.

And lastly, most 32x games end with no rom description after scrapping. Using the same scrapper on RCB I get most games showing description. Maybe it s because RCB offers a different match % factor when scrapping (not sure if this can be selected on ael)

Using always latest github.

Thanks for all your work.

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Advanced Emulator Launcher - Multi-emulator frontend for Kodi12