Call to Arms: Combatting Trademark Infringement
Orinigal post,"I was thinking, it shouldn't be too difficult to stop the worst of offenders, when they are using the word "Kodi" in their business name, it is direct trademark infringement to the highest degree and without even needing to question content, shouldn't be too difficult to get taken down. Enough with this madness, let's all do our part and get complaining!" Then supply links and places where to attack those who have offended by "... using the word "Kodi" in their business name," sound like a "Call To Arms..." to go after perceived trademark infringement. So, the author of Call To Arms:Combating Trademark Infringement is asking the community to use tactics aka attacking via web host and social media. Seem clear.

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RE: Call to Arms: Combatting Trademark Infringement - by memoriesman49 - 2017-02-20, 19:53
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