Old TV recordings not being automatically deleted
Thanks, that's great to know. With both margro and mm1352000 giving input on this I'm sure I'll get it resolved in the end.

So it has been establish that the TV server should automatically delete recordings according to the KeepUntil and KeepUntilDate flags.

One thing mm1352000 mentioned ober at the MP forim is that when KeepUntil=1=Watced then it's the responsibility of the *client* to delete that recording. Do you do this if this flag is set margro?

Another strange thing I noticed, which I also posted in the MP forum: I did notice one thing when I examined the mptvdb though. I created a "timer" to record my daily news, the schedule was created 2017-02-19 and I chose to keep the recordings for 7 days for that schedule.

When I examine the resulting recordings I notice that both the recording made on the 19th and the 21st have KeepUntilDate set to 2016-02-26, eg 7 days after the *recording shedule* was created but for the recording made on the 21st, only 5 days after the recording was made. This does not make sense to me, as I would expect this to be set to 7 days after the *recording* was made. But then again I don't know how the internals of this logic is working, so this might not be an issue.

Not sure who sets KeepUntilDate but if it's the client, then this might be something you want to look into margro. Maybe it should be KeepUntilDate from the "recording schedule" + 7 days? Not at all sure about this tho as again I don't know how the internal logic works here. But the way it is now each new recording will end up with KeepUntilDate set to a date that has already been passed once the number of days to keep the recordings that is specified when created has passed.

If nothing else works I'was thinking of writing a small program that examines the recordings in the database and deletes them (both the file and the DB entry for the recording) based on the values of KeepUntil and KeepUntilDate. But, because of the issue above KeepUntilDate is not strictly correct for the recordings in the database, so I would then have to find (in the DB) the schedule that the recording belongs to look at startTime and keepDate for that schedule, the actual KeepUntilDate for each recording would then be be:

startTime [from the recording] PLUS ( keepDate [from the schedule] MINUS startTime [from the shedule])

Do take note of the parenthesis in that equation, the brackets not included.

Based on this logic I would not be surprised if KeepUntilDate for the recordings are actually set wrong, unless the server does the above math every time it looks for recordings to delete. But that just doesn't make sense to me as I see no reason why not just adding the correct KeepUntilDate for each recording in the first place.

My logic might be warped here, so my apologies if it is, but it looks to me like this is correct.

margro, does any of this make sense?

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RE: Old TV recordings not being automatically deleted - by chjohans - 2017-02-21, 20:19
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