Release myth2kodi -- generate Kodi friendly file-names from MythTV recordings.
(2017-02-25, 06:44)jctennis Wrote: It appears realpath is a standalone package on a ubuntu based system. I had coreutils installed already but realpath was not. A quick "sudo apt-get install realpath" fixed that problem. The system I am using has the backend, database, and myth2kodi all running on it. The specs are Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz at 5Gb RAM. As for your other instructions, I am not seeing anything resembling a percentage.
This is the output from less if that is helpful at all

I have to say, I have been running linux almost exclusively for years but you really know your way around it more than I could ever hope to. I just hope I am being helpful and not a source of frustration.

Definitely not a frustration, your feedback has been a great help.
I hope my many requests and verbose responses aren't too exhausting.

And speaking of verbose responses...

On the less, I guess that's another system difference. And yes,
posting the output of ls was useful, I downloaded the file and
opened it with less on my system. Your successful processing
rate is at just under 98%.

Do you know what is not processing? You can use --recording-info
to get an idea of what the unprocessed recordings are, for example,
myth2kodi --recording-info '/media/Storage/mythtv/recordings/1809_20170205233000.ts'
will provide a summary of the data for that recording from
your MythTV-DB.

Three common and easy to fix reasons for failed processing are:
unrecognised series; duplicate recordings; and movies that are
mistakenly processed by myth2kodi as though they are episodes of
a series.

1) For unrecognised series there should be an entry in the
unrecognizedseries.log in your myth2kodi working directory.
To fix these just add a showTranslations entry.

2) For duplicate recordings there should be an entry in the
duplicates.log, again in the working directory. The identification
of duplicates by myth2kodi is not perfect, so, verify the recording
is actually a duplicate first and then if it is just delete it.
One thing to consider is that sometimes I find the duplicate
recording is of better quality than the one already processed.
In which case you could use myth2kodi to delete the successfully
processed recording and then reprocess the duplicate to move it.

3) When a movie has not processed correctly because myth2kodi tried
to process it as an episode of a series then you can just call:
myth2kodi --movie '/path/to/recording.ts'
to force it to be processed as a movie.

Finally, if you can be bothered spending any more time on it, and
your guide-data has description/plot fields you can usually just
do a web search for the whole plot to identify the episode and
then process the recording using the optional (but positional)
subtitle and/or season and episode numbers arguments. For example,
if you knew the season and episode number but not the episode-title
(some series don't really have episode-titles) and the series title
is already correct, then you can just do:
myth2kodi '/path/to/recording.ts' '' '' '1' '1'
where the two ones are replaced with the actual season and episode
numbers. The two blank fields are where the recording title and subtitle
would go, leaving them blank means the MythTV-DB values will be used,
and while you can provide everything you only actually need one of either
the subtitle or the season and episode numbers (for the numbers you
must provide both numbers). And I just realised, I use recording-subtitle
and episode-title interchangeably -- recordings have titles and subtitles,
if the recording is an episode then the recording title is the series-title
and the recording subtitle is the episode-title.

My guide-data is terrible, so I only get about 80% automatically
processed, then web-search and manually providing the extra info
to myth2kodi gets me up to about 97%.

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RE: myth2kodi -- generate Kodi friendly file-names from MythTV recordings. - by stuartk - 2017-02-25, 09:29
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