Release myth2kodi -- generate Kodi friendly file-names from MythTV recordings.
(2017-03-10, 16:08)jctennis Wrote: Sorry for the late response... I had to get into a few projects I didn't expect. The script seems to be working very well. The only problem I could foresee so far id if someone has a non-standard Librarian. I don't, but somewhere out there someone probably does. Otherwise, so far so good.

No need to apologise, I appreciate the feedback.

The script does set the Librarian in the myth2kodi.conf it generates as part of the install (provided working directory set-up is requested), at least when I run it.
Is this not working on your system?
Or is there some other issue with a non-standard Librarian that I am missing?

If you already have a myth2kodi.conf, the install script does not overwrite the existing one but rather moves the install generated .conf to a file name like
and adds a warning to the install log pointing out that you need to check that your existing myth2kodi.conf is compatible with the new install.

So, with a fresh install, you should get a myth2kodi.conf that sets the Librarian user setting correctly. And when updating an existing install, one that has an existing myth2kodi.conf, you get a warning in the install log and a copy of the myth2kodi.conf that the install script would have installed placed in your working directory.

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RE: myth2kodi -- generate Kodi friendly file-names from MythTV recordings. - by stuartk - 2017-03-11, 01:30
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myth2kodi -- generate Kodi friendly file-names from MythTV recordings.2