AMLogic - try and fix your Audio and Video playback problems.
What occurs with most new AMLogic Chipset and Hardware releases is each dirt cheap Asian, AML Hardware seller falls over themselves and are in such a hurry to get devices first to market that they rush them out the door and flash them with AMLogic Android Test Firmware.

It is NEVER a good idea to buy brand spanking new AMLogic hardware from these dirt cheap sellers. The Firmware is always rubbish. And if the seller does not provide proper bug fixed Firmware updates then the device is useless for serious Kodi use. Strictly DIY devices only. Plug n Pray !

This is usually what happens until the next Buggy lot of AML Android Hardware is rushed to market by dirt cheap "Snake Oil Salesmen" sellers and the cycle repeats all over again.

Then you have an additional problem to go with the Kodi Krypton release. Amcodec has now been dropped. Mediacodec only. Plus there has not been a regular Android Kodi code maintainer for Krypton.
Not much testing and bug busting (relative to LibreELEC) was even done for Android Kodi Krypton either.

Koying who used to handle a bit of AMLogic Kodi got sick of all the buggy Firmware and poor quality Android SDK's from AMLogic that he moved to SPMC exclusively and Android TV on the Shield. I don't blame him one bit, especially are a virtually solo developer.

Now compare this to LibreELEC on AML S8xx/S905 devices where you start with a decent quality Linux Kernel, nicely optimised Kodi releases for each Official LibreELEC Hardware platform and a stable Linux Based OS (vs frequent Android OS updates) to run it all on. You end up with a much better, stable platform for Kodi. Far more testing and quality control is done as well during the LE developmental phase.

Companies such as nVIDIA simply have more Money and manpower developer and testing resources to release decent quality Firmware to run on their very own Hardware. Where every Shield is virtually the same tech Spec too. Xiaomi with their Mi Box have massive resources too, and all the same Tech Spec Hardware as well.

Compare this to highly variable and fragmented cheap Android hardware market, where devices are sold as 'Ship and Forget". There are so many changing hardware components and lack of care taken by 98% of these types of sellers that you really have no hope of getting a decent Kodi Krypton device for serious Kodi Audio and Video use.


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RE: AMLogic - try and fix your Audio and Video playback problems. - by wrxtasy - 2017-03-15, 18:24
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