Win KODI4SMARTIE - Kodi DLL for LCD Smartie
Thanks for the updated plugin! Working again after a few tweaks: I also had the same problem as the others where Kodi had to be started BEFORE lcdsmartie.

To solve this, I set lcdsmartie to NOT start with Windows. Because this is my HTPC I want Kodi to start still, so I leave that one to start on boot. Then I used a program called Startup Delayer to launch lcdsmartie after 1 minute. This gives Kodi plenty of time to start before lcdsmartie does. You can get Startup Delayer (the standard version is free) from here:

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RE: KODI4SMARTIE - Kodi DLL for LCD Smartie - by StarScream159 - 2017-03-16, 07:08
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