epg and scandic characters
Thanks for help, janbar.

I did that and scandic is ok. Below is one program listing as example.

<Title>Puoli seitsemän</Title>
<StartTs xsi:nil="true"/>
<EndTs xsi:nil="true"/>

It looks like mythbackend puts scandic ok. Could it be kodi setting somewhere? Sounds strange as I have android tablets, libreelec and linux computers with kodi and all have same problem. Also with jarvis and krypton.

Messages In This Thread
epg and scandic characters - by mr_kane - 2017-03-12, 20:29
RE: epg and scandic characters - by raptorjr - 2017-03-12, 21:07
RE: epg and scandic characters - by mr_kane - 2017-03-13, 08:26
RE: epg and scandic characters - by mr_kane - 2017-03-13, 13:52
RE: epg and scandic characters - by janbar - 2017-03-14, 09:37
RE: epg and scandic characters - by janbar - 2017-03-14, 09:41
RE: epg and scandic characters - by janbar - 2017-03-14, 09:46
RE: epg and scandic characters - by mr_kane - 2017-03-14, 11:16
RE: epg and scandic characters - by janbar - 2017-03-14, 23:36
RE: epg and scandic characters - by mr_kane - 2017-03-15, 09:55
RE: epg and scandic characters - by janbar - 2017-03-15, 22:06
RE: epg and scandic characters - by mr_kane - 2017-03-16, 09:28
RE: epg and scandic characters - by janbar - 2017-03-17, 19:38
RE: epg and scandic characters - by mr_kane - 2017-03-18, 10:33
RE: epg and scandic characters - by mr_kane - 2017-03-20, 20:09
RE: epg and scandic characters - by janbar - 2017-03-20, 20:19
RE: epg and scandic characters - by mr_kane - 2017-04-03, 11:17
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