Release igConq - A Conq mod for Krypton
Hi guys,
thanks for a great update of the great conq-skin. I had to change to krypton and your work comes in really, really handy!

I struggle though with configuring a widget which I used to use under conq: "recommend episode" - I cant remember how I got it running under jarvis but it shouldnt have been that complicated :-) It would basically list the episode which is up next to be watched. simple as that :-)
with igconq all I find is a "in progress" widget which is not exactly what I'm after.

Could you guide me how to achieve the widget behaviour is described? I have the skin helper service (1.1.3) installed for what its worth.

Big thanks.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2016-11-01, 21:37
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2016-11-29, 03:06
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2016-11-30, 03:26
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2016-11-30, 19:31
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by meccs - 2016-12-09, 19:49
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2016-12-10, 00:26
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2016-12-11, 16:55
RE: [Krypton] igConq - A Conq mod - by Oral-B - 2017-01-08, 14:08
RE: igConq - A Conq mod for Krypton - by kermit_frosch - 2017-04-02, 15:35
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igConq - A Conq mod for Krypton3