Release A Confluence ZEITGEIST | 17 Krypton | 18 Leia | 19 Matrix | 20 Nexus | 21 Omega | 22
This is one of those embarrassing things that sometimes happen... While I was testing some customised mouse configuration actions I found out that I just had to click the right mouse button during playback for the OSD to go away immediately! And this was not some change I had just made, I removed all the xml files I created inside keymaps folder and the action was still available. Been using Kodi for so many years and the solution was always there for me to use. Embarrassing.

Nevertheless if someone wants the OSD not to appear when you move the mouse during playback and make it only appear if the left mouse button is clicked, just create a .xml file inside kodi/userdata/keymaps/ folder, name it whatever you want, I named my new file "Mouse noOSDmove.xml", and copy and paste what's in here to that file and save it. That's it, restart Kodi for it to work.
I'll also paste it here, we never know if the link can break some day:
<!--     <wheeldown>VolumeDown</wheeldown> --> <!-- Remove arrows to enable global volume control -->
<!--     <wheelup>VolumeUp</wheelup> --> <!-- Remove arrows to enable global volume control -->

Off topic but since I'm mentioning mouse actions and xml files, I also have a separate file (which I do not wan't to mix in the file I just mentioned for future editing purposes) for using middle mouse button click to toggle between Kodi windowed and fullscreen. If you also wanna have it just create another file inside kodi/userdata/keymaps/ folder, name it something like "Mouse midbutfullscreen.xml" or whatver you want, put this code inside it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- Button Ids: -->
<!-- 0: left -->
<!-- 1: right -->
<!-- 2: middle -->
<!-- 3/4/5/6: extra -->

<click id="2">togglefullscreen</click>

and save it and restart Kodi to be able to use it.

@axbmcuser thank you so much for your help, I could only find this (and other) mouse script because I searched for "MouseMove" as you told me to.

Messages In This Thread
RE: A Confluence ZEITGEIST - by amikkwe - 2015-10-12, 21:22
RE: A Confluence ZEITGEIST - by axbmcuser - 2015-10-12, 22:31
RE: A Confluence ZEITGEIST - by axbmcuser - 2015-10-13, 14:20
RE: A Confluence ZEITGEIST - by chestionabil - 2015-10-13, 17:10
RE: A Confluence ZEITGEIST - by axbmcuser - 2015-10-13, 17:20
RE: A Confluence ZEITGEIST - by axbmcuser - 2015-10-13, 19:54
RE: A Confluence ZEITGEIST [14.x, 15.x, 16.x Jarvis, 17.x Krypton, 18.x Leia] - by pemartins - 2017-04-04, 02:48
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