v17 Krypton 10 seconds to switch stream, Jarvis 2 seconds
(2017-04-08, 10:06)MikeKL Wrote: So just a general understanding query, are we completely sure additional "delay" issue only affects HLS streams when using ffmpeg. i.e. Similar issue will not be present moving forward when using latest DASH streams for example?

This problem will happen in any internet stream that has an m3u8 suffix or has mime type application/vnd.apple.mpegurl.
Here is the stream checking code that has been removed from Krypton.
+  if (m_item.IsInternetStream()
+      && (m_item.IsType(".m3u8") || m_item.GetMimeType() == "application/vnd.apple.mpegurl"))
+  {
+    // get the available bandwidth and  determine the most appropriate stream
+    int bandwidth = CSettings::GetInstance().GetInt(CSettings::SETTING_NETWORK_BANDWIDTH);
+    if(bandwidth <= 0)
+      bandwidth = INT_MAX;
+    selected = PLAYLIST::CPlayListM3U::GetBestBandwidthStream(m_item.GetPath(), bandwidth);

DASH should be better because the inputstream.adaptive addon checks the streams from the header files without trying to retrieve the video segments itself.
It is better in iPlayerWWW anyway.

Even in my mglae patched Krypton Kodi.exe playing the normal iPlayerWWW BBC One live stream took a couple of seconds for the video to catch up with the audio.
It is instantaneous in Jarvis.

So there is still something missing from Krypton that was in Jarvis apart from the GetBestBandwidthStream function.

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RE: Krypton 10 seconds to switch stream, Jarvis 2 seconds - by primaeval - 2017-04-08, 11:20
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Krypton 10 seconds to switch stream, Jarvis 2 seconds1