Release Surveillance Room - Your IP Camera Companion with extra Foscam HD Support
(2017-04-21, 14:40)kash7777 Wrote: This is suggestion for Drunken_prozec & Muppet1986, I did get multiple brand cams to work with Surveillance Room actually 8 since I expend the software capability from 6 to 8 but it is important that you use the correct version of Kodi I used Jarvis Version 16.1 with LibreElec Version 7.03 ----When I update the kodi to 17.1 known as Krypton and version 8.1 for LibreElect almost all my cameras quit working so make sure your Kodi is version 16.1
Also in case of Drunken since he is using unknown brand cam make sure you can see the video feed or still pictures out of your cam when you issue the same command via your Browser before try the same command within Surveillance Room.
Example : you mention you use rtsp:// does this work when you use your browser? if not then it will not work on App as well.
In case of Foscam installation make sure they are in range seems like Foscam have an range issue (on Wifi) compare with other brands.
By away I installed the system on Raspberry Pi 3.Cool

Cheers Kash,

I'm running SPMC 16.6.0 which is based on Jarvis on my Nvidia Shield. I will try the browser when I get home

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Surveillance Room - Your IP Camera Companion with extra Foscam HD Support7