Win HOW TO - Configure a Logitech Harmony Remote for Kodi
Hi,guys,can you answer me.I got harmony 650 & IR reciver Xenta SE340D with remote.I have teach harmony without any problem.BUT I using 2 displays(monitor and TV),and my problem is focus window.when my wife using Windows -harmony use focus window(not Kodi).Are your setting in topic have the same problem,or my harmony will work only with program Kodi and don't using windows.
PS.sorry for my English! I'm from Russia)))Smile
Windows 10 Pro\Xenta SE340D\Harmony 650

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RE: HOW TO - Configure a Logitech Harmony Remote for Kodi - by SWANjr - 2017-04-24, 20:27
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HOW TO - Configure a Logitech Harmony Remote for Kodi6