Win KODI4SMARTIE - Kodi DLL for LCD Smartie
I am using the following actions to switch to and from my Kodi screen:

If $dll(kodi4smartie,7,XBMC.GetInfoLabels,System.Time) <> "Kodi Not Found" Then GotoTheme(3)
If $dll(kodi4smartie,7,XBMC.GetInfoLabels,System.Time) <> "Kodi Not Found" Then GotoScreen(19)
If $dll(kodi4smartie,7,XBMC.GetInfoLabels,System.Time) = "Kodi Not Found" Then GotoTheme(1)
If $dll(kodi4smartie,7,XBMC.GetInfoLabels,System.Time) = "Kodi Not Found" Then GotoScreen(11)

My Kodi screen is quite complex:

Line 1: $dll(if,1,$dll(kodi4smartie,7,XBMC.GetInfoLabels,Player.Title)#,$dll(kodi4smartie,7,XBMC.GetInfoLabels,System.CurrentWindow)#$dll(if,1,$dll(kodi4smartie,7,XBMC.GetInfoLabels,MusicPlayer.Artist)#,#$dll(kodi4smartie,7,XBMC.GetInfoLabels,MusicPlayer.Artist) - )$dll(kodi4smartie,7,XBMC.GetInfoLabels,Player.Title)$dll(if,1,$dll(kodi4smartie,7,XBMC.GetInfoLabels,MusicPlayer.Album)#,# [$dll(kodi4smartie,7,XBMC.GetInfoLabels,MusicPlayer.Album)])                    )

Line 2:

These lines let me change the display depending on if a song's artist and/or album are known, or if a song/movie duration is known (as opposed to a stream where there is no known duration), and if nothing is playing, display the CurrentWindow and CurrentControl.


I backed up my config.ini and plugins directory and tried a brand new empty config with only the lcd4smartie plugin, and no actions, with the following as screen 1 (sticky):

Line 1: $dll(kodi4smartie,7,XBMC.GetInfoLabels,System.CurrentWindow)
Line 2: $dll(kodi4smartie,7,XBMC.GetInfoLabels,System.CurrentControl)

and the same random delay happened, although not as frequently.

Messages In This Thread
RE: KODI4SMARTIE - Kodi DLL for LCD Smartie - by barcoboy - 2017-04-30, 02:20
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