Release myth2kodi -- generate Kodi friendly file-names from MythTV recordings.
(2017-02-09, 03:14)stuartk Wrote: @jctennis There is a "show translation" mechanism in place for
handling just this case. The tv-series are identified by myth2kodi
using, the closest match between your guide
data and TheTVDB is assumed to be correct. When that is not the
case you just need to add a translation entry into a showTranslations
file in myth2kodi's working directory. So, you'll need to add a file called:


which for you means:


with the entry:

Timeless = Timeless (2016)

The format is just one entry per line of the form:

My Guide Show Title = Show Title

There needs to be one space either side of the equal-sign and the
guide show title needs to match exactly, including case. When the
guide data is really bad, you end up with something like the example
for Sydney's free-to-air guide data that is in the repository.

Whenever a show is incorrectly identified, just go to and
search for "Guide Show Title" (in this case it was "Timeless"), then add a
showTranslation entry.

I am using the showTranslations file for Empire = Empire (2015). It is ignoring and still using "Empire". The file is in /home/mythtv/.mythtv/.myth2kodi/ ... is that where it needs to be? Same spot that mythicalLibrarian uses but doesn't seem to be working. The actual script exists in /usr/local/bin/myth2kodi.

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RE: myth2kodi -- generate Kodi friendly file-names from MythTV recordings. - by mayaco - 2017-05-05, 03:50
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