Release Surveillance Room - Your IP Camera Companion with extra Foscam HD Support
I was hoping someone could assist - I stumbled on this app, and subsequent thread trying to find a IP camera solution for Kodi.

I can get the streams working in Kodi, and previews for two devices - but I'm struggling with one - I have a wifi doorbell, and discovered I can access the camera stream using onvif. The doorbell doesn't have a web interface, only an Android/iOS App.

The stream URL is rtsp://<IPADDRESS:554/onvif1, there is a lower quality stream on rtsp://<IPADDRESS:554/onvif2. No login details needed on either.

ONVIF Device manager identifies it as a GWellTimes-IPC

I've tried the various urls in this thread for previews, none work - is there anyway I'll be able to get previews working? (I've tried the rtsp urls above, they don't work)

I get this on port 5000
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <SOAP-ENV:Fault xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:wsdd="" xmlns:chan="" xmlns:wsa5="" xmlns:xmime="" xmlns:xop="" xmlns:tt="" xmlns:wsrfbf="" xmlns:wstop="" xmlns:wsrfr="" xmlns:tdn="" xmlns:tds="" xmlns:tev="" xmlns:wsnt="" xmlns:tptz="" xmlns:trt="">
  <faultstring>HTTP GET method not implemented</faultstring>

Messages In This Thread
All Cameras - by zaxcom - 2016-08-25, 03:17
Axis M211 - by OnkelKraecker - 2017-03-08, 13:36
RE: Axis M211 - by jinux - 2017-03-08, 14:43
RE: Surveillance Room - Your IP Camera Companion with extra Foscam HD Support - by xrapidx - 2017-05-14, 09:18
Axis M 211 - by OnkelKraecker - 2017-10-13, 12:57
RE: Axis M 211 - by maikito26 - 2018-01-24, 15:00
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Surveillance Room - Your IP Camera Companion with extra Foscam HD Support7