Release Surveillance Room - Your IP Camera Companion with extra Foscam HD Support
Great addon.

Is it possible to get the preview mode to use rtsp for a system that provides only rtsp access? The system can define arbitrarily low bitrate rtsp streams for previews/mobile. How can a rtsp stream only system use the addon's preview mode?

Also, if only generic IP camera mode is used with live playback on request (no alerts/notifications), is it really necessary for the addon to run a service? Changing any setting triggers a restarting service message. Just worried about consuming unnecessary resources on a weak system and wondering if the service can be turned off.

Messages In This Thread
All Cameras - by zaxcom - 2016-08-25, 03:17
Axis M211 - by OnkelKraecker - 2017-03-08, 13:36
RE: Axis M211 - by jinux - 2017-03-08, 14:43
RE: Surveillance Room - Your IP Camera Companion with extra Foscam HD Support - by yoyoma2 - 2017-07-31, 06:44
Axis M 211 - by OnkelKraecker - 2017-10-13, 12:57
RE: Axis M 211 - by maikito26 - 2018-01-24, 15:00
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Surveillance Room - Your IP Camera Companion with extra Foscam HD Support7