Alpha PseudoTV Live - SetTop Box Experience v.0.8.x
on version 9 or a subsequent version I got a request

I have like 500 tv series recorded I would like to be able to
setup a guide so I have maybe 20 channels
and then set the days of the week and times that shows play
like thursday night at 9pm NakedAndAfraid would play
and then every week on thursday it would play the next episode

and set up all my shows to play that way on all the channels
that way I can watch them like they were live on TV ...
be able to setup a full prime time lineup .. actually an all day lineup

not just random shows or ones that are played back to back

and then have filler shows when I don't schedule a show..

something like that .. idk

but if I set up just a few channels then I would have enough shows for a lineup

either that or I guess i will just hunt and pick from kodi which is not as fun

thank you for considering this

Messages In This Thread
found bug - by co5mo - 2016-10-09, 13:19
RE: PseudoTV Live - SetTop Box Experience v.0.8.x - by ZippyTheChicken - 2017-08-02, 01:27
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PseudoTV Live - SetTop Box Experience v.0.8.x4