Release Surveillance Room - Your IP Camera Companion with extra Foscam HD Support
Hi everyone,

I have a Samsung SNH-P6410BN smart cam im trying to get to work with this.
Pretty new to all of this, so please bare with me.

I have tried inputting the "rstp URL" (rtsp://admin:[email protected]/profile5/media.smp) under the Generic IP Camera type - no luck.
I have tried using the FoscamHD type - no luck.
Foscam HD - Override (for C1) type, you guessed it - no luck...!

I just don't know what "URLs" to put where. 
I know the admin is the username and that must remain admin!
I know the cameras password and I know the IP address of the camera on my network.
What I don't know is the port (if there is one?) and I dont know how to configure Surveillance Room to work with my Samsung Smartcam.

Please can someone help me.
thanks in advance everyone.
LibreELEC on RPi4 on Samsung 55" Frame TV

Messages In This Thread
All Cameras - by zaxcom - 2016-08-25, 03:17
Axis M211 - by OnkelKraecker - 2017-03-08, 13:36
RE: Axis M211 - by jinux - 2017-03-08, 14:43
Axis M 211 - by OnkelKraecker - 2017-10-13, 12:57
RE: Axis M 211 - by maikito26 - 2018-01-24, 15:00
RE: Surveillance Room - Your IP Camera Companion with extra Foscam HD Support - by finch6 - 2017-10-14, 11:35
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Surveillance Room - Your IP Camera Companion with extra Foscam HD Support7