v17 Problem with video after Windows 10 Fall Creators 2017 Update
I have a NUC7i3BNH with windows 10 1709 and Kodi 17.4 with the same problem of shuttering and poor quality. The only thing that helps a little is put fixed FPS to 60p and disabling Kodi to change FPS according to material to reproduce. The FPS 23,9..FPS with bluray film give very orrible quality. In this moment is better a "chinese android box" that costs 30$; but INTEL and Microsofts seem to not understand this.
The same problems happens also with VLC and Media Home player: the only app that seems quite good is "Film & TV" of windows, but it is very poor app unable to make an HTPC. From INTEL forum seems to be a problem of compatibility between windows 1709 and new driver for these upgrade of windows. It is not possible to go back with driver because you will receice error that the old drivers is no more usable with windows 1709. So if you will go back you must also go to Windows 1703.

This situation is not the first time for those peolple that will use a PC with windows + Kodi as HTPC. Every upgrade of S.O. or drivers leads to this similar situations; with my NUC is the third time in 6 mounts: it is a hell; i did spent more time to configure and stabilize my HTPC than to see my films



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RE: Problem with video after Windows 10 Fall Creators 2017 Update - by pippocalo - 2017-10-25, 09:42
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Problem with video after Windows 10 Fall Creators 2017 Update2