v17 Problem with video after Windows 10 Fall Creators 2017 Update
(2017-10-25, 19:48)stefive83 Wrote: in my 3 computers that i have never had any problems with massive updates,
i have windows 10 since it came out and i've never made fresh install to avoid updates because it never created problems at least to me.

and Windows 10 does not need to be "finalized". The updating policy does not follow the policy of old operating systems (service packs).
Now windows itself is seen as a "service", so microsoft periodically updates with the same version.
I advise you to update your immense experience.

Again, sure to each their own on their experiences.  I've been using Windows 10 since release as well. I never said fresh install to AVOID updates. Get the iso from microsoft, do a fresh install of latest iteration.

I'll ignore the rest as I was just dumbing down the wording and explanation to those who are having issues and are coming to a forum for help for nothing that has to do with kodi.
I advise you to update your observational skills.

*EDIT* How is it you've never had issues after an upgrade, but here you are asking for help with a problem after an upgrade? The irony....

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RE: Problem with video after Windows 10 Fall Creators 2017 Update - by Fail$tyle420 - 2017-10-25, 23:02
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Problem with video after Windows 10 Fall Creators 2017 Update2