Solved Kodi 17.6 Failing to play some FLAC files
(2017-12-08, 13:08)jjd-uk Wrote: Could you do a full debug as requested but first of all play one of the files using the Files view so we can see the logging for successful playback, then immediately after play the file again from Library view. Once that is done could you remove one of the albums containing the problem files from the Library and then scan the Album back in to the Library again then try playing the album again, as I've seen it before where removing and rescanning an album cures playback problem, not sure if maybe in some instances something in the databases/Library gets corrupt.

I have now posted debug logs, but for library playing only. If you still want logs for File play vs Library play then let me know.

I have already removed and rescanned and even deleted the database files altogether and then rescanned from scratch.

I do updates as they come along so I *assume* I was previously running Kodi 17.5 ??

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RE: Kodi 17.6 Failing to play some FLAC files - by Graham68 - 2017-12-08, 17:27
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