Release Surveillance Room - Your IP Camera Companion with extra Foscam HD Support
I'm racking my brain on this app. I'm hoping that someone out there with the know-how takes this over and continues to develop it.

I have 6 Lorex cams and 2 Amcrest cams. I am able to get Surveillance Room to stream all cameras individually via RTSP. However, when using the snapshot or MJPEG on preview or all cameras, I get the exclamation mark. I have tested the snapshot and MJPEG URLs in a browser and they work for both camera models. This tells me that the issue would seem to be most likely the program itself, and less likely an error on my end since, but I'm open to any suggestions, or chipping in a donation to have someone continue development for this. 

For now I have my Harmony remote configured to launch full screen views of my camera feeds, which is nice, though it does take me out of the movie or show I'm watching entirely, which is why getting the pop-up previews to work would be so darn handy. 

If anyone has any advise, I'd be so grateful. I've spent way more time getting this to work than I'd like to admit.

Messages In This Thread
All Cameras - by zaxcom - 2016-08-25, 03:17
Axis M211 - by OnkelKraecker - 2017-03-08, 13:36
RE: Axis M211 - by jinux - 2017-03-08, 14:43
Axis M 211 - by OnkelKraecker - 2017-10-13, 12:57
RE: Axis M 211 - by maikito26 - 2018-01-24, 15:00
RE: Surveillance Room - Your IP Camera Companion with extra Foscam HD Support - by noiseordinance - 2017-12-10, 09:29
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Surveillance Room - Your IP Camera Companion with extra Foscam HD Support7