Solved Kodi 17.6 Failing to play some FLAC files
(2017-12-10, 12:26)DaveBlake Wrote: The longstanding fault is that when the item sent to the player is a music library entry, parts of the player that want to be given a filename are given the VFS path instead (a fake path used by Kodi internaly that describes the library entry e.g. "musicdb://albums/3167/76277.flac?albumid=3167").
Ah, that is very interesting. So this is the reason the goom visualization will display file names such as "123456.flac" instead of the correct file name! Another mystery solved/explained. Thanks!

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RE: Kodi 17.6 Failing to play some FLAC files - by Schreibwaise - 2017-12-22, 12:29
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