Solved Kodi 17.6 Failing to play some FLAC files
(2018-01-18, 18:49)Schreibwaise Wrote: I added the fix to the kodi in libreelec (had to use SetPath instead of SetDynPath), rebuilt and now goom is displaying the correct filename.
@Schreibwaise changing Path (that should contain the vfs path for library items) rather than the DynPath (that is intened to contain file location) may have other unwanted consequences elsewhere. I am going to hope that you mean you changed it in your build of LE. Better solution whould be to fix Groom, or whatever is calling Groom.

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RE: Kodi 17.6 Failing to play some FLAC files - by DaveBlake - 2018-01-19, 10:19
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