OSMC announced new Vero4k, opinions?
Sam, will the Vero 4K be able to learn IR signals?

My Wetek Core has just died and is probably not economical to repair so I am looking for a replacement. The Vero looks like it ticks all the right boxes.

The remote for the Wetek is quite nice and it still works so I would like to be able to use it with the Vero box if possible. I know the Vero will be fine with the wireless part as that all works with the Rpi3 build of OSMC that I am currently testing (congrats on how silky smooth that is btw), but I would like to turn the box on and off with the IR part just like the Wetek core does.

This is really just to keep it family compatible. They mostly dislike change (we have a daughter with sensory issues and autism traits), so keeping a familiar remote will help a lot.

Thanks for your time.

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RE: OSMC announced new Vero4k, opinions? - by lstar337 - 2018-04-09, 12:44
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OSMC announced new Vero4k, opinions?4