v17 Problem with video after Windows 10 Fall Creators 2017 Update
(2018-05-11, 08:13)sand_man Wrote:
(2018-05-09, 19:23)UnknownShadow Wrote: I've read this entire thread hoping to figure out why the 1709 update has been causing my HTPC to freeze/stutter/pause every few minutes when I try to play any MKV file from my Windows10 server. Both my HTPC and Server were updated to Windows 10 1709 and I've been having this problem ever since. 

Now for the weird part... I have a variety of cheap android boxes that still stream from my server just fine.
Now for the weirder part... if I copy a few of the MKV files onto a thumb drive they play just fine on my HTPC! (Can someone else try this? As weird as it sounds!)

That seems to indicate it's not settings in Kodi and it's not driver related. Hell it's not even Kodi related because I get the same results with VLC. I only experience the freeze/stutter/pause when streaming from one 1709 PC to another 1709 PC. I'm almost convinced that it's something to do with the changes in SMB but at this point I don't have enough brain cells left to keep troubleshooting. I'm ready to just go back to 1703 vanilla and block the HTPC from internet access.

I have even tried using two completely different machines as the HTPC and Server and get the same results. All machines I have are on 1709 and no combination of them lets me stream MKV over my network. Everything was fine before they all updated to 1709. I have tried different switches, network cables, WiFi... every combination I can think of. I simply cannot get 1709 to stream to 1709!!!! Somebody shoot me! Please Sad
 The solution is dead simple, update both your machines to 1803! There most definitely issues with 1709 and refresh rates and 1709 and SMB. There's a possibility that these issues have been resolved on 1803. Seeing as you already on 1709, why not run the update?

I have 2 HTPC's currently running 1703 without any issues. My desktop pc, which serves as my home server too, is running on 1803. 0 issues. When the HTPC's were running 1709 endless issues with Kodi, mostly pertaining to the refresh rate glitch outlined in this thread. 

Personally, I'm avoiding updating the HTPC's to 1803 until there's enough evidence that they play nicely with Kodi. Downgrading and then blocking/avoiding Microsoft's Windows updates, is a lot easier said then done. 
 Unfortunately I tried that last night but it didn't solve anything... then I read on another forum about problems with Virus Scanners and it hit me... even though I can play the files locally just fine, I wonder if my virus scanner is causing problems for the network stream? So I temporarily unloaded my virus scanner on BOTH the client and server and OMG IT WORKED! I could stream every single file again with zero problems!!!! In my case I was using Trend Micro but the other forum was discussing BitDefender. Either way, it seems like virus scanners can cause issues with network streams so anyone with stuttering issues should definitely try this and see if that's their problem. Strange that it worked before the 1709/1803 updates but obviously the combination of 1709 (or 1803) and the Trend Micro scanner causes issues with network streaming.

Now the question is, which virus scanner to use that doesn't interfere with streaming. I briefly tried Avast last night and it seemed to work fine but I only played a video for 10 minutes. Granted, that's longer than I ever got a video to play with Trend Micro and 1709/1803. More testing to come but hopefully this will help someone else.

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RE: Problem with video after Windows 10 Fall Creators 2017 Update - by UnknownShadow - 2018-05-11, 14:15
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Problem with video after Windows 10 Fall Creators 2017 Update2